WordPress Tutorials & News
Explore my latest tutorials, reviews and news from the WordPress universe in the blog. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest posts delivered to your inbox.
Comments were once the lifeblood of blogs, allowing readers to engage with content and participate in ...
Is WordPress generating confusing URLs for your pages and posts, like /page_id=6 and /p=2? Let’s solve this ...
Is your WordPress website stuck showing the dreaded error message: "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. ...

Display author image, name, bio and social media links in your blog posts with this lightweight plugin.

Love it or hate it, Black Friday is the best time of the year to catch great deals on plugins, themes, memberships ...

DiviMundo is dead, long live VictorDuse.com! Read more about why this happens and if it means that I'm leaving ...

Divi AI is a nifty addition to Divi but the placement of the Divi AI icon has caused frustration amongst Divi users since the AI icon floats on top of the text in the Visual Builder text input field.

Enabling SVG file uploads in WordPress can be done using either a plugin or custom code. Here are detailed descriptions of both methods.

WordPress is not only the most popular platform for websites – with WooCommerce it dominates the ecommerce world as well. Here are fantastic facts from 2024.

In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of creating a split-screen setup, revolutionizing your workflow and maximizing efficiency.

Here's how to add your own favicon , or "Site Icon" as it's called in WordPress, both in classic themes and block themes.

Create short links, bio pages and QR codes easily with Linkhero.cc. Here's a step by step guide.